Efabless Repositories

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All Projects 610

pallavidarji / 16bit+bidirectional+transreceive
The high speed low power schmitt trigger circuit is used for tristate buffer and control signals are generated using digital logic circuits.
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
spurthimalode / 18demux
1:8 demux
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
amrotork / 1V8-LDO-Design-in-Skywaters-130nm
1V8 LDO Design in Skywaters 130nm
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
jdicorpo / 2309_test
The is a test project for CI 2309.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
jdicorpo / 2309_test_2
User flow test for 2309 shuttle.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
pes1202102228 / 32-bit_unsigned_divider
GDSII of a structural 32-bit unsigned divider
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
creativebioarray / 3DCellCulture
Creative Bioarray can provide ready-to-use 3D cell cultures generated from various cell types. We have extensive experience in developing highly functional 3D cell culture models. Our scientific team can work with you to establish and optimize protocols, as well as design custom 3D cell culture models according to your specific requirements.
0 0 0 0 Updated 12 months ago
amerigoscientific / 3DCellCultureRevolution
The global cell culture research market is changing from 2D to 3D. The Sphericalplate 5D is your solution covering the entire application range with unrivaled user advantages.
0 0 0 0 Updated 7 months ago
creativebioarray / 3DCocultureModels
3D co-culture cell models now serve as important tools for solving scientific questions, which can be developed in different formats, depending on research goals and downstream usage. Co-culture cell models can emulate a variety of pathological conditions such as different stages of tumor invasion and metastasis, and identify of stromal...
0 0 0 0 Updated 7 months ago
creativebioarray / 3DInvasionAssay
Invasion and metastasis are responsible for the high morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Invasion into the surrounding normal tissues is generally considered to be a key hallmark of malignant tumors. More efforts for anticancer drug development now move towards therapies that targeted on the inhibition of this key "hallmark" of cancer....
0 0 0 0 Updated a month ago
passant / 3-IPs
Includes 3 different IPs; PSRAM controller, timer, and UART
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
muhammadmustafa / 4-input-8-bit-Comparator
This is a very small part of my FYP, working under the Mentorship of Prof. Dr. Attiya Baqai, as a student. The main idea is to connect the inputs with ADCs and take pressure data and the highest pressure would be shown on the output. The application is of plantar pressure device on a small scale.
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
g10rg1 / 5bitsMulti-gf180
A custom 5-bit multiplier
0 0 0 0 Updated 2 years ago
visionvlsi / 64-bit-mac
MAC 64-bit
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
jmaranan / 6DFF-Test-Analog
Testing the Analog Design Flow for 6 DFFs design.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
vincentiusyoshua / 8bit
8bit cpu project
0 0 1 0 Updated 5 days ago
hbharathbhat / 8_bit_mbm
This is an 8-bit Minimally biased multiplier for approximate multiplication
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
asinghani / 98154_multiproject_HIER
Hierarchical version of 16 student designs from the course 98-154 Intro to Open Source Chip Design
0 0 0 0
asinghani / 98154_multiproject_MULTIDRIVER
multi project submission
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
vilmondesribeiro / 9-stages-ring-oscilator
This is a ring oscilator made with 9 stages of CMOS inverters.
1 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
mohamedkassem / ABCDE
0 0 0 0
g10rg1 / ADC_LogiCompilation_gf180
Compilation of 3 different Digital Logic Circuits topologies for ADC control: Flash (3-bit output) and SAR (Conventional and Monotonic Switching with 10-bit output)
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 11 months ago
umutbarut / adder8bit_rc
0 0 0 0 Updated 12 months ago
prakharsingh39 / addressable_pixel
This projects consists of the design of a pixel consisting of individual RGB LED's which can be individually accessed through a bit pattern to generate the required colour.
0 0 0 0
creativebioarray / Adipocytes
Adipocytes are cells specialized in storing energy in the form of fat, mainly triglycerides, in organelles called lipid droplets. There are two major types of adipocytes in mammals: white adipocytes contain one large lipid droplet and are involved in fat storage, while brown adipocytes have many smaller lipid droplets and numerous mitochondria...
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
prabha1010 / ADLDO
Power module
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
dakshpatel806 / ADLDO
The main function of LDO is to maintain constant output voltage which is equal to reference voltage VREF to sub-circuits in a system on Chip. There are analog LDOs that are suitable for noise sensitive load circuits. The disadvantage with Analog LDO is that is does provide sufficient loop gain at low supply voltages. The reason for...
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
daksh333 / ADLDO
The main function of LDO is to maintain constant output voltage which is equal to reference voltage VREF to sub-circuits in a system on Chip. There are analog LDOs that are suitable for noise sensitive load circuits. The disadvantage with Analog LDO is that is does provide sufficient loop gain at low supply voltages. The reason for...
0 0 0 0
creativebioarray / ADME
Creative Bioarray offers comprehensive in vitro ADME services for drug discovery organizations. Many of our in vitro ADME assays come in a variety of formats to suit different stages of the drug discovery pipeline, enabling us to provide a flexible approach to our ADME services. While Creative Bioarray has standard procedures for each of these...
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
hishamelreedy / Advanced_Encryption_System_Accelerator_v1
Advanced Encryption System (AES) Accelerator
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
bamornpa / AES
0 0 0 0 Updated 3 months ago
passant / AES
AES accelerator example connected on the WB bus
0 1 0 0 Updated a year ago
yathag / AES
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a widely used symmetric encryption algorithm. This project focuses on a simplified implementation of AES on the GF180 Shuttle. The AES hardware implementation is designed by Joachim Strömbergson at the following github repository. https://github.com/secworks/aes
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
baungarten / AI_by_AI
CNN-based MNIST Classifier Integrated Circuit (IC) using ChatGPT-4
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
kgubbi / AI-design-contest-KWS-cnn
CNN Accelerator ProjectThe CNN Accelerator Project is a high-performance hardware solution designed to accelerate the execution of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) on FPGA platforms. By leveraging custom-designed modules for weight management, input buffering, multiply-accumulate operations, and activation functions, this project...
0 0 0 0 Updated 9 months ago
jeetsumanto123 / AI-RISCV-Timer
This is an AI-RISCV-TIMER generated using the generative AI technique.
0 2 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
karthikmb / ai_solar_panel_monitor
Stabilising the current, voltage of the solar panel under controlled temerature
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
chuck_entropy_project / AI_Wake_Up_Call_Submission
The challenge aims to leverage generative AI to develop an open-source hardware accelerator designed explicitly for Keyword Spotting (KWS) applications on the Caravel System-on-Chip.
0 0 0 0
alfachem / Alfa-Chemistry
chemicals, materials
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
eiocon / AMDemod
ADA - Digital demodulator test project
0 0 0 0 GPL-3.0-only
amifsud / AM_tst
0 0 0 0
a_simon / analog_test
This is a test for the analog design flow
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
paras22167 / ANN_IIITD
Hardware implementation of ANN
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
ndcliiitd / ANN_tapeout
ANN (RTL to tapeout)
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
skandhadeepsita / Approximate-Adder-AXHA
This project is an implementation of approximate adder for error tolerant multimedia applications. The approximate single bit adder is built using which multi bit adder is built basing on the approximation factor. The delay chain is completely eliminated for the approximate part and is reduced by length k for accurate half of the n-bit...
0 0 0 0 Updated 10 months ago
skandhadeepsita / Approximate-Multiplier
This project is implementation of approximate multiplier published in ACM TODAES journal 2021, titled "Energy Efficient Error Resilient Multiplier Using Low-power Compressors".
0 0 0 0 Updated 10 months ago
mohamedkassem / aproject
0 0 0 0
rohinthram / ArithmeticLogicUnit
An ALU design that can do arithmetic and logical computation that can be used to build a CPU
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago