Rhizopus is a genus of common saprophytic fungi on plants and specialized parasites on animals. Rhizopus species grow as filamentous, branching hyphae that generally lack cross-walls (i.e., they are coenocytic). Rhizopus fermentation offers a sustainable and cost-effective method for producing various products with commercial and industrial value, making it an important process in the biotechnology and food industries.
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By convention, the original / primary remote repository is called origin.
If you are starting a brand new project without a local repository, here are the suggested Git commands:
git clone ssh://git@repositories.efabless.com/creativebiogene/RhizopusStrain.git
cd RhizopusStrain
... do some changes
git push -u origin main
If you already have a local Git repository, initialized with git init, you will need to associate your local repository with the Efabless Repository remote location. The following Git commands will add Efabless Repository as a remote repository and push your changes to the main branch.
git remote add origin ssh://git@repositories.efabless.com/creativebiogene/RhizopusStrain.git
git pull origin main --rebase --allow-unrelated-histories
git push -u origin main
If you already have a remote repository, for example one on GitHub, use the Git command below to add another remote Git repo (make sure that each repo has its unique ID, e.g. origin, ef-repo in the example below).
git remote add ef-repo ssh://git@repositories.efabless.com/creativebiogene/RhizopusStrain.git
git push -u ef-repo main --force
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To show your own cover image, replace cover.png with a file called 'cover' and an allowed image extension ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.webp') and then push your changes.
(Maximum allowed file size: 1 MB)