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Caravel RISC-V Crypto Extension

This repo contains the code for the efabless 2nd competition to fabricate a chip with LLMs. The challenge includes RTL and testing.

Overall goal

The project focuses on the RISC-V Crypto extension by leveraging the capabilities of GPT-4. The unique aspect of this project is the use of DSLX for hardware description language, verification with cosimulation code generated by GPT-4, and additional automatically generated verification tests.

The folder has the GPT-4 queries and how to reproduce the results.


The primary objective of this project is to explore the use of new HDLs like DSLX to implement and verify the RISC-V Crypto extension. The reason for the Crypto extension is that there are clear explanations, and it could be possible to compare results against existing Verilog implementations in future works.

To achieve this, we employ GPT-4 to generate DSLX code that incorporates cryptographic instruction set. DSLX is chosen over traditional hardware description languages like Verilog due to its capability to facilitate automatic pipelining, thereby optimizing the hardware for better performance. For example, DSLX is able to pipeline the current design from 1 to 5 pipeline stages and go from 7430ps to 2047ps. This is a 3.63x improvement. The limiting factor seems to be that the programmable rotate operation consume close to 2000ps and DSLX can not repipeline without code changes.

The project also explores the feasibility and inherent challenges of using GPT-4 for DSLX code generation. Given that GPT-4 has limited training data for DSLX, generating accurate and efficient code becomes a non-trivial task. To address this, we employ a verification methodology that includes cosimulation and targeted testing. In the cosimulation process, the generated DSLX code is run in parallel with Spike, a RISC-V emulator, to verify its functional correctness. GPT-4 also generates sequences of valid RISC-V assembly code to facilitate this verification. Furthermore, a wrapper implemented in GPT-4 is used to test a subset of the cosimulation functionalities on the generated Verilog code, ensuring its integrity and reliability.

The Design

The product of this project is an RV32 compliant cryptographic accelerator that has full support for the Zkbk, Zknd, and Zknh extensions of the RISC-V specification, as shown in the table below. It performs all operations in constant time and is pipelined into 5 stages. The accelerator performs no RISC-V decoding and relies on its own, simpler opcodes to reduce multiplexor latency.

Extension Mnemonic Instruction
Zkbk ror Rotate right
rol Rotate left
rori Rotate right immediate
andn AND with inverted operand
orn OR with inverted operand
xnor Exclusive NOR
pack Pack low halves of registers
packh Pack low bytes of registers
brev8 Reverse bits in bytes
rev8 Byte-reverse register
zip Zip
unzip Unzip
Zknd aes32dsi AES final round decrypt
aes32dsmi AES middle round decrypt
Zknh sha256sig0 SHA2-256 Sigma0
sha256sig1 SHA2-256 Sigma1
sha256sum0 SHA2-256 Sum0
sha256sum1 SHA2-256 Sum1
sha512sig0h SHA2-512 Sigma0 high
sha512sig0l SHA2-512 Sigma0 low
sha512sig1h SHA2-512 Sigma1 high
sha512sig1l SHA2-512 Sigma1 low
sha512sum0r SHA2-512 Sum0
sha512sum1r SHA2-512 Sum1


One of the significant challenges faced in this project is the limited exposure of GPT-4 to DSLX, which makes the task of generating accurate and efficient code particularly daunting. The model's training data for DSLX is sparse, leading to potential inaccuracies in the generated code that require rigorous verification methods to mitigate. The solution is far from ideal, but it is to showcase challenges around building new HDLs.


The first phase of the project involves training GPT-4 to understand and generate DSLX code. To achieve this, we create a specific context that serves as a training environment for the model. Given that DSLX has a Rust-like syntax, the learning curve for GPT-4 is relatively smooth. The training aims to equip GPT-4 with the ability to generate DSLX code that can extend the RISC-V architecture with cryptographic functionalities. The model is fine-tuned to understand the nuances of DSLX, including its syntax and idiomatic expressions, to produce code that is both accurate and efficient.

The second phase focuses on verification at the DSLX level before proceeding to Verilog generation. Testing at this stage is crucial to ensure that the generated DSLX code meets the project's objectives and is free from errors. This is followed by a cosimulation process where the DSLX code is run in parallel with Spike, a RISC-V emulator. GPT-4 contributes to this verification process by generating sequences of valid RISC-V assembly code. The cosimulation serves as a comprehensive method to validate the functional correctness of the generated DSLX code and its compatibility with existing RISC-V architectures.

The final phase involves Verilog testing, facilitated by a wrapper implemented in GPT-4. This wrapper is responsible for converting the verified DSLX code into Verilog. Additionally, it performs targeted tests on a subset of the cosimulation functionalities. The purpose of this testing is to ensure the integrity and reliability of the Verilog code, especially focusing on the cryptographic extensions. This multi-tiered approach to verification—starting from DSLX-level testing, followed by cosimulation, and finally Verilog testing—ensures that the generated code is robust, accurate, and ready for integration into RISC-V architectures.

Areas that need improvement

When it comes to debugging issues identified during the cosimulation process, the challenges are manifold. While DSLX is generally easier to debug compared to Verilog, the complexity increases significantly when the code is machine-generated, as is the case with our GPT-4 model. Human-written code usually follows certain logical patterns and styles that make debugging more intuitive. However, code generated by GPT-4 may not adhere to these human-like patterns, making the reverse engineering process more complicated. This added layer of complexity necessitates the development of specialized debugging tools or methodologies that can effectively handle machine-generated DSLX code, ensuring that any bugs or inconsistencies are promptly identified and rectified.

The lack of native support for DSLX in GPT-4 presents another set of challenges. The model requires multiple iterations to produce DSLX code that is free from compile errors. Each iteration involves generating code, attempting compilation, identifying errors, and then fine-tuning the model to correct these errors. This iterative process is time-consuming and resource-intensive. The issue stems from the fact that GPT-4 has not been trained on DSLX, making it less proficient in generating error-free code in this language. This highlights a broader issue that the research community needs to address: the challenge of using machine learning models for code generation in languages that are not part of their training data. Unless future iterations of GPT models include training on newer or less popular languages like DSLX, the utility of these models in such contexts will remain limited.

Given these challenges, it becomes evident that while machine learning models like GPT-4 offer promising avenues for automating code generation, there are specific hurdles to overcome, especially when dealing with less common languages like DSLX. The debugging complexities and the lack of native language support in the model necessitate further research and development. Solutions could range from specialized debugging tools for machine-generated code to expanding the training data of future GPT models to include a broader range of programming languages.


The project not only serves as a proof-of-concept for extending RISC-V architectures using GPT-4 but also sheds light on the complexities and challenges of working with less commonly used languages like DSLX. The methodologies and verification techniques employed could serve as a blueprint for similar future endeavors.