noritsuna /  Edge_Circuit_Designer

Maintained by noritsuna
This project is an Edge AI execution environment for running Meta's LLaMa2 and Code LLaMa on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 64-bit OS to automatically generate verilog code.
Members 1

License UPRJ_CI Caravel Build

Edge Circuit Designer

AI Generated Design Contest 2

Project Documentation

This project is an Edge AI execution environment for running Meta's LLaMa2 and Code LLaMa on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 64-bit OS to automatically generate verilog code.
The setup procedure is described below.

Setup Raspberry Pi 4 as Edge AI


Requirements of Raspberry Pi

  • Hardware
    • Raspberry Pi 4 8GB
  • OS
    • Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64bit
  • SD Card
    • 128GB or more

Pre-setup Image

If you have trouble setting up your own system, you can use this image.


Setup LLaMa Engine

Download the latest version (version after 6/6/2023). And Build it.

sudo apt install git build-essential
git clone
cd llama.cpp

Preparation of LLaMa2 data

Download LLaMa2 data from Meta's website and convert it to GGML format using a converter that is built at the same time.


However, since a fairly powerful GPU, etc. is required, data converted to GGML is available and may be used here.


Preparation of Code LLaMa data

Code LLaMa , a fine-tuning of LLaMa2 in a programming language, will also be prepared.

However, since a fairly powerful GPU, etc. is required, data converted to GGML is available and may be used here.



The following command will prompt:
Prompt of Edge Circuit Designer


./main -m ./models/7B/llama-2-7b.ggmlv3.q4_K_M.bin \
       --color \
       --ctx_size 2048 \
       -n -1 \
       -ins -b 256 \
       --top_k 10000 \
       --temp 0.2 \
       --repeat_penalty 1.1 \
       -t 8

Code LLaMa(Q4)

./main -m ./models/7B/codellama-7b.ggmlv3.Q4_K_M.bin \
       --color \
       --ctx_size 2048 \
       -n -1 \
       -ins -b 256 \
       --top_k 10000 \
       --temp 0.2 \
       --repeat_penalty 1.1 \
       -t 8

Build code created by Edge AI

The Verilog code generated by the above Edge AI is built in an environment prepared on a PC.

Download Edge_Circuit_Designer Project

git clone

Generation GDSII

export PDK=sky130A
make setup
make Edge_Circuit_Designer
make user_project_wrapper

Result of make Edge_Circuit_Designer Result of make user_project_wrapper

Running Pre-Checks for ChipIgnite

make precheck
make run-precheck

Result of make run-precheck

Prompt Documentation


The prompts used in the Edge_Circuit_Designer Project are as follows:

Please generate a 16 bits counter in verilog.

Output by LLaMa2(Q4)

The following output is the result of the output by LLaMa2.
Build fails because reg [15:0] count; does not match the grammar.

module counter(
        input clk,
        input reset,
        output [15:0] count);

        reg [15:0] count;

        always @ (posedge clk) begin
                if (!reset) begin
                        count <= 16'h0000;
                end else begin
                        count <= count + 1;


Result of LLaMa2

Output by Code LLaMa(Q4)

The following output by Code LLaMa, which is based on LLaMa2 and fine-tuned for programming languages.
Unlike LLaMa2, the operable code is output. However, only about 1 in 10 times is output correctly.
This time, the GDSII output is based on this.

module counter(clk,rst,q);
        input clk, rst;
        output [15:0] q;

        reg [15:0] q;

        always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin

                if (rst == 1'b1) begin

                        q <= 16'h000;

                        end else begin

                                q <= q + 16'h0001;




Result of Code LLaMa


It is a very simple 16-bit counter.

module counter(clk,rst,q);
        input clk, rst;
        output [15:0] q;

        reg [15:0] q;

        always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin

                if (rst == 1'b1) begin

                        q <= 16'h000;

                        end else begin

                                q <= q + 16'h0001;




Verification Coverage

A test bench is being created for the above Code (16-bit counter).
More details can be found here.

Execution Test Bench

The test bench is executed with the following commands.

make simen
make verify-counter-rtl
make verify-counter-gl

Result of testbench

Generation STA

Timing files are generated by the following commands.

make setup-timing-scripts
make install_mcw
make extract-parasitics
make create-spef-mapping
make caravel-sta

Result of STA

Technical Merit

This is an edge computing system that does not have Merit in the AI generated results, but rather gains Merit by applying the AI generation system.
We believe this will yield three Merits.

1st Merit

The fact that it works at the Raspberry Pi level means that it can be integrated into an embedded device (smartphone) level processing device. In other words, it could be incorporated into each semiconductor manufacturing device.

Although we did not go as far as outputting a testbench this time, it is theoretically possible to generate the source code for a testbench with a generative AI.
This can be applied to automatically generate test benches by semiconductor manufacturing equipment (manufacturing process).

Since this is not expected in the current process, information about the fab and equipment is available to the public in order to have the necessary test benches written. However, it is believed that it also contains information that the company would not want to disclose outside the company.

Therefore, by bringing in a testbench generated by AI, it may be possible to minimize the information to be disclosed by automatically generating a testbench in the process by having the designer (client) present the "testbench specifications".

This is a Merit for both the fab operator and the designer who does not want to write test benches.

2nd Merit

You can do your own LLM data "Fine Tuning". By "Fine Tuning" your own source code or circuits, you can have the AI generate source code or circuits that copy your habits.

This is a very important Merit.

If an engineer were to have a generative AI automatically generate source code or circuits, he or she would not use the source code or circuits as they are, but rather modify them based on them. In that case, the engineer must read and understand that automatically generated source code and circuitry. And it is easier for engineers to understand source code and circuits they have written than to understand automatically generated (written by others) source code and circuits.
For example, personal habits, such as the use or non-use of ternary operators, can appear in source code and circuits. Generative AI generates source code and circuits that incorporate these individual quirks.

This is a Merit to all engineers.

3rd Merit

Multiple Raspberry Pi, which are very inexpensive devices, can be clustered together and used in the same way as a PC with a powerful GPU costing $100,000 to $1 million.
This means that researchers and engineers, who until now have only been able to use generative AI provided by others, can now participate in the research and development of generative AI. This will allow many researchers and engineers to conduct a variety of research and development, which can be expected to produce more results.

This is a Merit to all mankind.


As described above, a new world could be opened up by running your own customized LLM on a small & inexpensive device such as the Raspberry Pi or on your personal PC.

Project Description and Community Interest Poll

Project Description

This project is an Edge AI execution environment for running Meta's LLaMa2 and Code LLaMa on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 64-bit OS to automatically generate verilog code.
In this case, a simple 16-bit counter was generated. However, as noted in #Technical Merit, this is a system that shows promise.
And We call this system "Edge Circuit Designer".

Community Interest Poll

The results of this study showed that Code LLaMa LLM data fine-tuned to the programming language was better than the generic LLaMa2 LLM data.
In other words, LLM data (such as LLaMa2) tuning using Verilog-specific training models or training data using your own source code could potentially support a variety of models.

If you want to create a Verilog-specific training model, you can simply scrape the Verilog files on github.However, it is difficult to use the files as public data because they may not have permission to be used as training data.

Therefore, The more Verilog files made available by the community, the more valuable this system will be. We are convinced that this will be of great help to those who use this system.

How to Fine Tuning

  • Software for Fine Tuning LLM data (LLaMa2)
    • from Alpaca-lora
      • Rewrite two parameters in

base_model: str = "", ;The LLM data path
data_path: str = "", ;The Training data path

Forked from the Caravel User Project

:exclamation: Important Note

Caravel information follows

Refer to README for a quickstart of how to use caravel_user_project

Refer to README for this sample project documentation.

                                 Apache License
                           Version 2.0, January 2004


   1. Definitions.

      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.

      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
      the copyright owner that is granting the License.

      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
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      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.

      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
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      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
      source, and configuration files.

      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
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      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
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      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).

      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
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      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
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   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.

      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
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      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
      identification within third-party archives.

   Copyright 2023 Noritsuna Imamura with ISHI-KAI (,

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.