This is a maze game played with tools using semiconductor chips before bonding. Specifically, the game is to use a 5um Tungsten Needle while looking into a semiconductor chip with a stereo microscope to go through a maze drawn with pads on the semiconductor chip.At this time, when the needle touches the maze wall, the LED for the crash judgment glows.
The purpose of creating this game is to destroy the conventional wisdom that this is how semiconductor design and manufacturing should be done. The Maker movement has created works that would not have been possible as product manufacturing until then, as the cost of 3D printers and PCB manufacturing has become cheaper. As a result, new possibilities were born there. I wanted to start this trend in semiconductors.
As a semiconductor, it is a mixed analog-digital circuit that combines analog and digital circuits.
This digital circuit consists of two circuits: a circuit in which the walls of the maze are pads that count up when Needle touches them, and a circuit in which the timer starts when Needle touches the start pad (circle shape) and stops when Needle touches the goal pad (cross shape) to measure the time spent. The timer starts when the start pad is touched and stops when the goal pad is touched.
This analog circuit connects the various pads to the pins of the digital circuit section.
When Needle touches each pad, it is connected to VSS, which allows each digital circuit pin to operate with a negative logic.
The maze is automatically generated by the klayout plugin. /klayout/
The final Layout was created by editing the digital circuit Layout generated by OpenLANE in Klayout to incorporate analog circuits such as mazes and pads.
This semiconductor circuit does not work by itself. To work, you need an um-class Needle that you can buy at a home improvement store, a stereo microscope that costs tens of thousands of yen, and a power supply.
:exclamation: Important Note |
Refer to README for a quickstart of how to use caravel_user_project
Refer to README for this sample project documentation.