This is the simplest version of Rift2Core. Commit: b95a1555aeb79d975e8b273d412f0e6df42d0322 (Almost...)
The configuration is as followed, and IF2 is mixed with IF2NCache
class Rift2300 extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RiftParamsKey => RiftSetting( hasL2 = false, hasDebugger = true, hasPreFetch = false, hasuBTB = false, ftChn = 4, rnChn = 1, opChn = 1, wbChn = 1, cm_chn = 1, pmpNum = 0, regNum = 34, hpmNum = 0, l1BeatBits = 64, memBeatBits = 64, tlbEntry = 2, l1DW = 128, ifetchParameters = IFParameters( uBTB_entry = 2, // uBTB_tag_w = 16, btb_cl = 0, bim_cl = 2, ras_dp = 0, // tage_table = 6, ), icacheParameters = IcacheParameters( bk = 1, cb = 1, cl = 2, ), dcacheParameters = DcacheParameters( bk = 1, cb = 1, cl = 2, sbEntry = 1, stEntry = 2, ),
dptEntry = 1, fpuNum = 0, mulNum = 0, isMinArea = true, isLowPower = false,
) })
:exclamation: Important Note |
Refer to README for this sample project documentation.