uri /  tinytapeout-09

Maintained by uri
Visit https://tinytapeout.com for more information on the project and how to get involved  |   https://tinytapeout.com
Members 3
Tiny Tapeout Bot committed a week ago

Tiny Tapeout 9

This repository contains the GDS file for the Tiny Tapeout 9 project. It was generated from https://github.com/TinyTapeout/tinytapeout-09@b42f68233fb7691698666e31ca1e42730e7bafb7.

Project Index

Address Author Title Type Git Repo
0 Uri Shaked Chip ROM HDL https://github.com/TinyTapeout/tt-chip-rom
1 Tiny Tapeout TinyTapeout Factory Test HDL https://github.com/TinyTapeout/tt09-factory-test