KWS inference on chip

This project focuses on implementing Keyword Spotting (KWS) inference on a chip. Keyword Spotting Task is a classification Task: KWS aims to classify input signals to detect the presence or absence of specific keywords, such as "Hey Snips," in real-time.

Our Scope

General KWS Pipeline: The pipeline includes stages from the initial speech signal to the final decision.

Our Scope: We focus on the stages of the keyword spotting acoustic model right after feature extraction, ending just before posterior handling.

Our scope

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KWS Model with Dilated CNN

Our scope


We use the "Hey Snips" dataset, which includes various voice commands from different speakers, providing a robust dataset for training. This dataset contains thousands of audio samples of different keywords, recorded by multiple speakers, including background noise and variations in speech patterns.

Feature Extraction

Filter Bank: We use filter bank feature extraction to transform raw speech signals into a format suitable for the model. Filter banks decompose the signal into different frequency components, highlighting relevant features for speech recognition .After the filter bank, we padding the data so that it comes out the same size in each dimension.


The model consists of multiple layers: CMVN (Cepstral Mean and Variance Normalization), linear layers, ReLU activations, and dilated CNN blocks (repeated four times). Each dilated CNN block is followed by batch normalization and ReLU activations. The final layers include a linear layer and a sigmoid activation for binary classification.

Why Dilated CNN

Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are chosen for their ability to handle temporal dependencies in speech signals. They capture features over larger time scales without significantly increasing computational load, making them ideal for real-time keyword spotting on limited-resource hardware.

Working process:

Model Training:

We train the deep learning model using the prepared dataset with Pytorch. This involves data preprocessing, model selection, and optimization to ensure high accuracy in keyword detection.

Implementation in Python with pure tensor: Rewrite and implement the trained model in a Python environment, ensuring it is free from external library dependencies. This makes integration with hardware more straightforward.

Weight Extraction:

Extract the model weights after the Python implementation. These weights are crucial for deploying the model on hardware.

Chats with 🤖:

We started with general questions about KWS. The prompt diverged to software and hardware design. AI in this case, not only act as a co-designer, but also a teacher who explains the fundamentals of IC design for me. First, a rough plan of modules was determined, then progress to designing the ISA and Finite State Machine. For each module, there were multiple attempts to generate the file, the first prompt and answer determines a big part of the quality of the code. The best way to generate a high quality code is to give it consice directions in the first place, with ISA, architecute and the python code all together. Another finding is, to give back the LLM it's generated code, or the code we implemented after chats, can be used to produce a better prompt, which can be used for the new chat. Each iteration(try) of fresh new version was labeled (both chat and verilog file), can be viewed in comparison. We use the LLM Claude to successfully create CMVN, ReLU, Linear module, with Verilog code and a python testbench in Cocotb. The dilated CNN and Sigmoid modules wasn't succesfully tested with it's calculation logic. They were not hardened. The most challenging part of this excersice was to generate a Linear module that performs linear transformation, in our case, a matrix multiplication of [50x20] x [20x20].This is the part where I found out LLMs don't really 'understand'(details at the bottom of the file).

How to read the Chats with Claude:

It's numbered! There isn't an export chat button for Claude so I pasted them in text files. Please find all the attachments I used to talk with Claude, including our lib free model, parameters, and a example prompt to generate new modules I developed over time in a seperate folder. I have pasted our ISA and FSM into a test file too so it can have a look during generating the new modules.

Prompt file directory

You can find everything I used to generate code from Claude. There's a subdirectory with the trained models in python. Inference_0508 is our first version with quantization, Inference_0510 is our second version with a input matrix size of 300x20 (300frames x 20 features), Inference_0519 is our final version with a input matrix size of 50x20. They were in html version because it's easier to check with browser, but we do have a jupyter notebook version attached.

Why Lib-free KWS?

The original plan was simple: train the model, feed into Claude, ask it to write the code, boom. Unfortunatly it didn't work. PyTorch's modules are encapsulated at too high level. PyTorch is a popular deep learning framework that provides high-level abstractions and modules for building neural networks. These abstractions and modules are designed to simplify the development process and make it easier to create complex models. However, the high-level nature of PyTorch's modules made it challenging for Language Models (LLMs) to understand the underlying computational logic. Writing it in a lib-free manner is to facilitate LLM's understanding of the computational logic and convert it into Verilog code for the KWS model, this means avoiding the use of high-level PyTorch modules and instead implementing the model using lower-level operations and primitives. By writing the model in a lib-free way, the computational logic becomes more explicit and transparent. This can help LLMs to better understand the step-by-step operations and data flow within the model.


We took a lot of radical paths to try things out. Quantization is one of them. The total weights of our first draft was around 400kB- pretty much impossible to fit in Caravel user area as register files. The first thing that came up to our mind was to quantize the model from float 32 to int 8. Reasons for not using quantization:

1/.PyTorch does not convert all data types to int8.

2/.During the quantization process, PyTorch modifies the model structure, making it impossible for us to extract (and implement as lib-free).

3/.The accuracy of the model decreases after quantization:our model has a lot weights data that as small as 10^-8, int 8 doesn't provide enough range and granularity for the weights, a lot of weights became 0 if we convert them to int8. In fact, in later stage, we tried to convert the weights to int 16 and the granularity was still not enough. (It's calculated with 2^-x, x is the number of bits you reserved for the fractional parts) Now let me explain a bit more on point 2: When applying quantization to a PyTorch model, the framework modify the model's structure to accommodate the quantization process by adding quantization-specific layers and operations, such as quantization and dequantization nodes. That means the even though during the calculation operation data can be in int 8 or int 16, after the operation and before the next operation they were convert back to float 32. This method ensures a smaller model and fast processing speed but doesnt solve our problem of having massive weights information. Also, quantization and dequantization nodes highly dependant on pytorch encapsulation- consider limited time we had, we gave up unwrapping Quantization nodes to Lib-free python and decided to focus on preserving the original model's structure and accuracy without Quantization.

Implementation in Verilog:

Translate the Python implementation and extracted weights into Verilog for hardware implementation. This step involves designing the hardware description language suitable for chip design. I ran into some unexpected diffulties too, such as error from Efabless SRAM or rookie mistakes like adapoting a Full-Wrapper Flattening strategy but ran out of RAM on my own computer.

By implementing KWS inference on a chip, we aim to create a low-latency, efficient system capable of recognizing voice commands in real-time. This project leverages the latest advancements in deep learning and practical hardware implementation techniques to develop responsive and intelligent voice-controlled devices.

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Hardware modules


This is a simple outline for our RISC-V based KWS accelerator.

Fixed-point arithmetic is adopted to simplify the hardwar design. To preserve the the fractional part of the data, we converted our weights and inputs to 32 bits fixed-point 1.7.24 format.That is 1 Sign bit, 7 bits for the integer part, 24 bits for the fractional part.

The input features and weights are initialized on the SRAM inside the user project area.

The major components include
1. A finite state machine as a controller for fetching instructions and orchestrating other modules
(CNN component below)
2.CMVN pool Cepstral mean and variance normalization pool. The input data is normalized and flattened here.
3.Linear module is adopted to compute matrix multiplications between two matrices of 50x20 and 20x20 for linear transformation.
4.ReLU function module to perform ReLU function

5.Dilated CNN module to perform CNN with systolic array (to be tested)
6.Batch normalize module to be tested)
7.Sigmoid Activation module (to be tested)

Results for the hardware modules

The hardened modules, CMVN(normalising pool), ReLU, Linear, are all successfully tested before hardening. The Linear module was rewrite last minute with a register file because I couldn’t figure out how to correctly incorporate the Efabless SRAM 😅. Rest of the calculation modules will have their Verilog code provided, on the roadmap I would like to finish in later times. I have attached my attempt and code with each attempt.


Dilated CNN module to perform CNN with systolic array (to be tested)
Batch normalize module to be tested)
Sigmoid Activation module (to be tested)

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Xiaoyu Wen --
Hongzhi Hou -- --
Jian Sun --
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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Some personal thoughts

In 2023 me and my friend(Hongzhi Hou, the other author of the project) was stunned by power of LLM that transformed human learning. We decided to each learn a random skill with LLM from scratch as a fun experiment. In March 2024 I came across this challenge on Efabless, hence picking IC design, as my goal. It is something I was alway curious about but felt intimidated due to its complexity. The challenge provided a perfect start with real project and goals, it also accelerated my learning by giving it a time constraint with pressure. The real difficulties from this exercise was to decide, which direction i should go, what shall I focus on when everything is unknown.

Throughout the journey, I have a few findings about LLM.

1 LLM might be perfect for debugging and spotting details we miss, it lacks of logic when a real concept needs to be applied. One of the things I spent the most time doing was to explain to Claude the calculation logic, such as what Matrix Multiplication is, and how shall it be done in a data stream like ours. In the beginning I wasn’t aware it doesn’t truly ‘understand’, because it can explain matrix multiplication in perfect sentences. After realising its shortcomings, I have spent substantial amount of time, giving examples to it how the calculation and data selection logic should work, Claude seemed to understand after some examples, and gave back the correct answers if I ask in hypothetical terms, but it would be unable to produce the correct Verilog logic, unable to match everything on the correct cycle, unless I explicitly stated. Nor spot the apparent mistakes such as the wrong dimensions of the output matrix.

2 LLM is pretty bad as maths. Basic arithmetic. I wouldn’t trust their answers if the numbers get big or equations gets long.

3 They get stuck in loops sometimes, so you need to either feed it some completely new information or open a new chat.

4 They will give you relatively similar answers, or designs in this case, for a KWS accelerator, across several LLM. Unless you start to read papers or feed it information elsewhere, they won’t give you anything ‘new’. Therefore I’m skeptical about its ability to create- or let’s say, innovate.

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