Efabless Repositories

Code hosting system for your Efabless projects

All Projects 576

dan20kim / Motion-Compensation-IC-v2
Motion Compensation IC
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
creativebioarray / Mouse-Astrocytes-MA
Astrocytes are the most numerous and diverse glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS). Astrocytes are divided into two main subtypes on the basis of differences in their cellular morphologies and anatomical locations: protoplasmic or fibrous. Protoplasmic astrocytes exhibit a morphology of many fine branches, which are expressed in a...
0 0 0 0 Updated 11 months ago
creativebioarray / MousePrimaryCells
Mouse cells are established from mouse tissues that originate from corneal, pancreas, thyroid, blood, tumorigenix cells, fibroblasts, etc. Creative Bioarray has a broad collection of mouse cells, including primary cells and tumor cells. The diversity of mouse cells from Creative Bioarray can fit your proposed research needs. All cells and media...
0 0 0 0 Updated 3 weeks ago
creativebioarray / MouseProbes
CABR™ Mouse Probes are designed to identify aneuploidies and translocations present in the entire mouse karyotype. Creative Bioarray has also developed a custom probe which can be used to detect the presence of chromosome X and chromosome Y, in mouse samples, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Our probes also involved all mouse...
0 0 0 0 Updated 3 weeks ago
passant / MPC4
Multi-Project Caravel (MPC): The user’s project area is partitioned into 4 (2x2) small projects of 1.3x1.6mm2 each. The current layout integrates 4 different counters.
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
jdicorpo / mpw-7-test
Test project for MPW-7
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
wangzilong1989 / mpw_test
study only
0 0 0 0 Updated 9 months ago
creativebiogene / mRNAInVitroSynthesis
IntegrateRNA provides tailored mRNA synthesis for research use, at milligram to multigram scales, with lengths up to multiple kilobases. We have professional mRNA synthesis platform, and our service include gene synthesis, template preparation, RNA synthesis, purification, and quality control. The experienced RNA scientist in our company offers...
0 0 0 0 Updated 4 months ago
creativebiogene / mrnasynthesis
Synthetic mRNA has recently come into focus as a potential new drug class to deliver genetic information. Such synthetic mRNA can be engineered to transiently express proteins more rapidly and safety, due to no need of transnuclear localization and lack of integration into host cell genome.
0 0 0 0 Updated 6 months ago
creativebiogene / mRNA-Synthesis
Creative Biogene, as one of the leading biotechnology companies, can offer the dedicated service for the production of high quality mRNAs. With the help of our highly experienced staffs, Creative Biogene is able to synthesis custom mRNAs at microgram to multigram scales, with lengths ranging from a few hundred nucleotides to kilobases. Creative...
0 0 0 0 Updated 12 months ago
creativebiogene / mSlc5a5
mSlc5a5 Overexpression Stable Cell Line-B16F10 is engineered to stably overexpress mouse Slc5a5. It is an ideal positive control for use in iodine uptake assays. In addition, B16F10 cells can form metastases in mouse lungs. The in vivo growth of metastases can be monitored using PET/SPECT imaging.
0 0 0 0 Updated 12 months ago
alokerdas / Multi-core-embedded-SoC
This project has 10 16-bit microprocessors. Each of them is an Instruction Set Architecture CPU. Each CPU has its own private memory. Each memory is 512 words deep. Each word is 16 bits wide. Six CPUs are connected to the chip boundary. Each of them accesses 8 IOs. Four CPUs are connected to a serial protocol hub. The hub has 4 SPI modules, so,...
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
mnaveedabbasipak / Multi_Designs_Custom_HW
Coming Soon
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
asinghani / multi_project_98154_course_mux
Multi-project submission including student designs from Fall 2023 CMU course 98-154 Intro to Open-Source Chip Design. This variant uses a hierarchical multiplexer similar to that used by early multi-project-harness
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
mnaveedabbasipak / Multi_Projects_Cores
Multi Projects Chip: For Cryptographic Core operations and VGA Display
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
mnaveedabbasipak / Multi_Projects_Crypto_AES_XTEA
Cryptographic Core AES Implementation with other Projects
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
rej / Multi-Project-with-Z80
Multi-project chip containing open-source replica of Z80
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 7 months ago
rej / Multi-Project-with-Z80-shadow
Multi Project with Z80 secondary repo just-in-case
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 6 months ago
dicdesign / mux4x1
0 0 0 0 Updated 4 months ago
zakirhussain / mux4x1
test project
0 0 0 0 Updated 4 months ago
prabha1010 / myadldo
Power module
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
zhanwen / mychip
0 0 0 0 Updated 7 months ago
moacir_monteiro / myFirstProject
First project to have a better compreension of the flow
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
ranan / my_gf180
Japanese student
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
huertam / NanoCMOS
A single-photon resolution color imager chip
0 0 0 0 Updated a year ago
baungarten / nano_eFPGA
This project develop an eFPGA whit 2x2 CLB
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
sconaway / ND-BlindHangman
Our final project for the Digital Integrated Circuits class at the University of Notre Dame is a game called "Blind Hangman", where the user has 7 tries to guess a 5 letter word. The only feedback on their progress is whether or not they have made a correct guess for a given letter position.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
akaram / nd-cool-ranch
Our final project is an implementant of a Linear Shift Feedback Register (LSFR) in verilog.An LSFR acts as a pseudorandom number generator. SEE GITHUB
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
dyu4 / ND-CSE-30342-Final-Proj-daz
This project lays out a processor that acts as a traffic controller, deciding the traffic signals at a 4-way intersection. It takes in 4 1-bit inputs (named the cardinal directions `n`, `e`, `s`, `w`) representing the presence of a car at each of the four streets, and then determines what color the street lights should be
0 0 1 0 Apache-2.0
mattmorrison / nd-mips8-efabless
Demo and Student Projects for Fall 2023 CSE 30342 Digital Integrated Circuits at the University of Notre Dame
0 1 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
hassan_2003 / nebula-team-12
STARS 2024 Team 12 Project
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
creativebiogene / Nucleic-Acids-Research
Nucleic acids are the most important part of all biomolecules. The term nucleic acid is the overall name for DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). Nucleic acids research forms a foundation for modern biological research. Additionally, nucleic acids extraction and quality assessment play a critical role in the field of...
0 0 0 0 Updated 11 months ago
jdicorpo / of_test
openframe test
0 0 0 0
creativebiogene / oligonucleotideconjugationkit
Based on expertise in the synthesis, bioconjugation and purification, IntegrateRNA offers custom antibody-oligonucleotide conjugates (AOCs) for global customers. We have developed methods to link the oligos to the target antibody via terminal functional groups such as protected sulfhydryls, maleimide. To deliver high-quality conjugates and...
0 0 0 0 Updated 9 months ago
ranan / omotya
In my project, I designed a 10-bit SAR ADC. To accommodate digital inputs, I added a CDAC circuit to the input stage.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
creativebiogene / OncolyticVirus
Oncolytic viruses (OVs) are a class of viruses that can selectively replicate in and lyse cancer cells, and subsequent spread with a tumor while not causing damage to normal cells. They have tremendous therapeutic potential to target and kill cancerous cell. Oncolytic virotherapy is an innovative treatment modality which uses replication...
0 0 0 0 Updated 5 months ago
dineshannayya / Openframe_Riscduino_Dcore_D6
Efabless caravel openframe based Riscduino Dual core
0 1 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated a year ago
hadirkhan10 / openram-testchip-v4
A testchip containing multiple openram generated memories and testing infrastructure
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
egorxe / Ophelia-eFPGA
Uranus eFPGA with nonvolatile config in eFuse array.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
egorxe / Ophelia_eFPGA_rerun
Uranus eFPGA with nonvolatile config in eFuse array. GFMPW1 rerun with fixes.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0 Updated 12 months ago
ria183422005 / Optimised-Strong-ARM-Latch
This is the design of an optimised Strong ARM Latch using modified particle swarm optimisation.
0 0 0 0 Updated 10 months ago
urielcho / OQPSK_A_GFMPW1
The Asynchronous OQPSK Modulator, designed at CINVESTAV-IPN, offers efficient OQPSK modulation with asynchronous operation for adaptability in various digital communication applications.
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
ecmg19 / OQPSK_S_GFMPW1
0 0 0 0 Apache-2.0
danruh / Oscillators
0 0 0 0
miguelcorrea0107 / OSICD_amp
Basic amplifier
0 0 0 0 Updated 9 months ago
lrburle / OSU_Custom_Ring_Oscillators
Custom ring oscillator cells that drive five different multiplier designs. Interfaces with IO pads and caravel generated 16x1 multiplexers.
0 0 0 0
ahsanaliuet / Pak-DSP
In Progress (coming soon...)
0 0 0 0
aidanoblepias / parity-checker-nd-aagl
This repository contains the Verilog implementation of a signal parity checker designed to be synthesized on the EFabless Caravel OpenLane flow. The circuit is intended for use with the Global Foundries gf180mcuD Process Development Kit as part of the coursework for CSE 30342 - Digital Integrated Circuits at the University of Notre Dame.
0 1 0 0 Apache-2.0