LDPC Encoder Decoder

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This is a LDPC Project for 5g lower matrix


LDPC Project is a sample smaller version of the design that is optimized using a SRAM to have low area. This increases the simulation time, as every iteration takes more number of clocks to do one step at a time, but it is still fast enough to correct errors. There is 4ms delay for sequential decoding with 13 iterations to converge at 40MHz. each iteration is 310,516,666ps there are 13 iterations 4,081,550,000ps for convergence at 40MHz. encoding 790,475,000ps to encode the code-word at 40MHz. Encoding takes 0.8ms to encode at 40MHz. This time is fixed for any code-word. It takes 4ms to complete the task of correcting errors for a LDPC(208,168,40) codeblock at clock frequency of 40MHz.

Synthesis runs at 20 KHz for 13um

Typically the code converges from 8 to 12 iterations. With implementatio using SRAMS the area utilization is lower SRAMS LDPC Design takes 12421 clock ticks per iteration For parallel LDPC Design it takes 23 clock per iteration The area utilization is higher in parallel LDPC design. This design can operate at very high frequency clocks.

The design for 5 clocks per iteration, with upto maximum required loops of 12 the number of clocks required are 60 clocks, at a clock which can be as fast as 1.2 GHz or more.

The slower design is for proof of concept, though can be used for 5G. For 6G the same matrices can be used with the faster design to get high throughput.

The matrices for 5G,6G are...

| | | | |

sr. No. alist filename n k
NR.1 . NewRadio_1_0_128.alist 8704 5888
NR.2 . NewRadio_1_0_16.alist 1088 736
NR.3 . NewRadio_1_0_2.alist 136 92
NR.4 . NewRadio_1_0_256.alist 17408 11776
NR.5 . NewRadio_1_0_32.alist 2176 1472
NR.6 . NewRadio_1_0_4.alist 272 184
NR.7 . NewRadio_1_0_64.alist 4352 2944
NR.8 . NewRadio_1_0_8.alist 544 368
NR.9 . NewRadio_1_1_12.alist 816 552
NR.10 . NewRadio_1_1_192.alist 13056 8832
NR.11 . NewRadio_1_1_24.alist 1632 1104
NR.12 . NewRadio_1_1_3.alist 204 138
NR.13 . NewRadio_1_1_384.alist 26112 17664
NR.14 . NewRadio_1_1_48.alist 3264 2208
NR.15 . NewRadio_1_1_6.alist 408 276
NR.16 . NewRadio_1_1_96.alist 6528 4416
NR.17 . NewRadio_1_2_10.alist 680 460
NR.18 . NewRadio_1_2_160.alist 10880 7360
NR.19 . NewRadio_1_2_20.alist 1360 920
NR.20 . NewRadio_1_2_320.alist 21760 14720
NR.21 . NewRadio_1_2_40.alist 2720 1840
NR.22 . NewRadio_1_2_5.alist 340 230
NR.23 . NewRadio_1_2_80.alist 5440 3680
NR.24 . NewRadio_1_3_112.alist 7616 5152
NR.25 . NewRadio_1_3_14.alist 952 644
NR.26 . NewRadio_1_3_224.alist 15232 10304
NR.27 . NewRadio_1_3_28.alist 1904 1288
NR.28 . NewRadio_1_3_56.alist 3808 2576
NR.29 . NewRadio_1_3_7.alist 476 322
NR.30 . NewRadio_1_4_144.alist 9792 6624
NR.31 . NewRadio_1_4_18.alist 1224 828
NR.32 . NewRadio_1_4_288.alist 19584 13248
NR.33 . NewRadio_1_4_36.alist 2448 1656
NR.34 . NewRadio_1_4_72.alist 4896 3312
NR.35 . NewRadio_1_4_9.alist 612 414
NR.36 . NewRadio_1_5_11.alist 748 506
NR.37 . NewRadio_1_5_176.alist 11968 8096
NR.38 . NewRadio_1_5_22.alist 1496 1012
NR.39 . NewRadio_1_5_352.alist 23936 16192
NR.40 . NewRadio_1_5_44.alist 2992 2024
NR.41 . NewRadio_1_5_88.alist 5984 4048
NR.42 . NewRadio_1_6_104.alist 7072 4784
NR.43 . NewRadio_1_6_13.alist 884 598
NR.44 . NewRadio_1_6_208.alist 14144 9568
NR.45 . NewRadio_1_6_26.alist 1768 1196
NR.46 . NewRadio_1_6_52.alist 3536 2392
NR.47 . NewRadio_1_7_120.alist 8160 5520
NR.48 . NewRadio_1_7_15.alist 1020 690
NR.49 . NewRadio_1_7_240.alist 16320 11040
NR.50 . NewRadio_1_7_30.alist 2040 1380
NR.51 . NewRadio_1_7_60.alist 4080 2760
----------- ----------------------- ----------- ------------------
NR.52 . NewRadio_2_0_128.alist 6656 5376
NR.53 . NewRadio_2_0_16.alist 832 672
NR.54 . NewRadio_2_0_2.alist 104 84
NR.55 . NewRadio_2_0_256.alist 13312 10752
NR.56 . NewRadio_2_0_32.alist 1664 1344
+----- used in this
v----- design...
NR.57 . NewRadio_2_0_4.alist 208 168
NR.58 . NewRadio_2_0_64.alist 3328 2688
NR.59 . NewRadio_2_0_8.alist 416 336
NR.60 . NewRadio_2_1_12.alist 624 504
NR.61 . NewRadio_2_1_192.alist 9984 8064
NR.62 . NewRadio_2_1_24.alist 1248 1008
NR.63 . NewRadio_2_1_3.alist 156 126
NR.64 . NewRadio_2_1_384.alist 19968 16128
NR.65 . NewRadio_2_1_48.alist 2496 2016
NR.66 . NewRadio_2_1_6.alist 312 252
NR.67 . NewRadio_2_1_96.alist 4992 4032
NR.68 . NewRadio_2_2_10.alist 520 420
NR.69 . NewRadio_2_2_160.alist 8320 6720
NR.70 . NewRadio_2_2_20.alist 1040 840
NR.71 . NewRadio_2_2_320.alist 16640 13440
NR.72 . NewRadio_2_2_40.alist 2080 1680
NR.73 . NewRadio_2_2_5.alist 260 210
NR.74 . NewRadio_2_2_80.alist 4160 3360
NR.75 . NewRadio_2_3_112.alist 5824 4704
NR.76 . NewRadio_2_3_14.alist 728 588
NR.77 . NewRadio_2_3_224.alist 11648 9408
NR.78 . NewRadio_2_3_28.alist 1456 1176
NR.79 . NewRadio_2_3_56.alist 2912 2352
NR.80 . NewRadio_2_3_7.alist 364 294
NR.81 . NewRadio_2_4_144.alist 7488 6048
NR.82 . NewRadio_2_4_18.alist 936 756
NR.83 . NewRadio_2_4_288.alist 14976 12096
NR.84 . NewRadio_2_4_36.alist 1872 1512
NR.85 . NewRadio_2_4_72.alist 3744 3024
NR.86 . NewRadio_2_4_9.alist 468 378
NR.87 . NewRadio_2_5_11.alist 572 462
NR.88 . NewRadio_2_5_176.alist 9152 7392
NR.89 . NewRadio_2_5_22.alist 1144 924
NR.90 . NewRadio_2_5_352.alist 18304 14784
NR.91 . NewRadio_2_5_44.alist 2288 1848
NR.92 . NewRadio_2_5_88.alist 4576 3696
NR.93 . NewRadio_2_6_104.alist 5408 4368
NR.94 . NewRadio_2_6_13.alist 676 546
NR.95 . NewRadio_2_6_208.alist 10816 8736
NR.96 . NewRadio_2_6_26.alist 1352 1092
NR.97 . NewRadio_2_6_52.alist 2704 2184
NR.98 . NewRadio_2_7_120.alist 6240 5040
NR.99 . NewRadio_2_7_15.alist 780 630
NR.100 . NewRadio_2_7_240.alist 12480 10080
NR.101 . NewRadio_2_7_30.alist 1560 1260
NR.102 . NewRadio_2_7_60.alist 3120 2520

ENV setup

env.bash env.tcsh

Project Structure

module git@github.com:manish03/LDPCENCDEC.git sub modules: git@github.com:rggen/rggen-verilog-rtl.git git@github.com:mattvenn/openlane_summary.git git@repositories.efabless.com:manishmahajan/LDPC_ENC_DEC.git

Simulation can be run using the script


For Synthesis use the script

Makefile in LDPCENCDEC/openlane/


are present in the LDPCENCDEC/verilog/rtl directory.

design files

are present in LDPCENCDEC/verilog/rtl/LDPC_ENC_DEC directory

NOTE: Current design file examples are provided for initial reference. These files are currently being updated and will be reposted once complete. The simulations are working, gds has been created successfully.

C Program sample

A C program with an example for stimulus which will be encoded, error insertion and decoding has been provided at LDPCENCDEC/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port.c

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 ubuntu:focal
RUN apt update; apt install -y curl jq build-essential python3.8 python3-pip docker-compose jsonnet bison mercurial
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python
RUN curl -OL https://golang.org/dl/go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz; mkdir /etc/golang; tar -xvzf go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /etc/golang; ln -s /etc/golang/go/bin/go /usr/bin/go; rm -f go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz
RUN GO111MODULE="on" go get github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb; ln -s $(go env GOPATH)/bin/jb /usr/bin/jb
RUN apk add libc6-compat
WORKDIR /workspace
                                 Apache License
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